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BCPID - Broadmoor Crime Prevention & Improvement District

Meetings are normally the 4th Monday of January, April, July, & October, 5:30 PM. Meetings are held at the Broadmoor United Methodist Church Adult Center (Corner of Sharp and Mollylea).

As stated in our name, our primary focus is CRIME PREVENTION and we currently employ 10 Baton Rouge City Police (including a policeman coordinator) that patrol our neighborhood on a proactive basis in both marked and unmarked vehicles (& bicycles) seven (7) days per week at varying hours. The presence of our Private Police Patrol (PPP) has dramatically reduced crime over the years since the BCPID was formed. In addition, the PPP provides support for our residents for vacation checks, speeding and other violations.

The second leg of our name deals with improvements to the neighborhood that fall within our by-laws to enhance and beautify. Examples would include replacing entrance signs, on-going beautification projects at those signs along with other areas and banners along the boulevard. BCPID works on many of these projects along with the Broadmoor Residents’ Association (B.R.A.).

The commission of the BCPID is made up of seven appointed commissioners as follows:

  1. Current Mayor-President

  2. State Senator for our area

  3. State Representative for our area

  4. East Baton Rouge Parish Assessor

  5. Metro Council member for our area

  6. Two are appointed from the B.R.A. Board

None of the commissioners receive any compensation for their service.

Each commissioner serves either a 2 or 3-year term in accordance with our By-Laws. The commission has a Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer that serve one year officer terms. All meetings are public meetings and subject to public meeting rules and disclosures. Meetings are publicly announced ahead of time but typically are held on the 4th Monday of the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July & October).

Minutes of BCPID meetings can be viewed on the website –

© 2018 Broadmoor Residents' Association. Baton Rouge, LA. All Rights Reserved.

Call us today: (225) 926-9829

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